ASP/GASP real-time observing

ASP/GASP real-time observing is usually very straightforward. These instructions will assume that you have set up the IF/LO system (using cima at Arecibo and Astrid or config_tool at Green Bank) to provide signal to ASP/GASP.

Logging In
Signal Levels
Taking Data

Logging In

In about 4 or 5 windows, log into gasp or asp:
ssh -l gasp from anywhere, or
ssh -l asp aspmaster from
Password obtainable from any of us by phone.

Signal Levels

Make sure you are looking at the correct IF. On asp: "setif 2" (if you see no signal, get the operator to reset the abpp). On gasp: "setif gbt-b".
Adjust levels on asp/gasp. This has to be done in cima (AO) or cleo (GB). In cima, change levels in the "advanced if/lo power control" widget. In cleo (GB), once the IF rack is balanced, look at convertor modules 11 and 15, and adjust the attenuators if need be. More gain is also available on gasp itself (not asp yet) by logging into cpci as root and running set_gain, e.g.: "set_gain 0 10" amplifies the signal in polarization 0 by 10 dB.

How do you know when you've got the right power levels? Run "rms" on asp/gasp. (Gasp will ask you for a password for logging into cpci; this is available from any of us by phone.) "rms" will give an output that looks something like this but with larger numbers in columns 2 and 4:

Ref FWHM = 64.0
Ch FWHM0 dB0 FWHM1 db1
0 8.03 -18.0 2.88 -26.9
1 2.30 -28.9 2.31 -28.8
2 2.35 -28.7 2.06 -29.9
3 2.39 -28.6 2.39 -28.6
4 2.50 -28.2 1.99 -30.1
5 2.43 -28.4 2.42 -28.4
6 2.74 -27.4 2.58 -27.9
7 2.38 -28.6 2.32 -28.8
8 1.32 -33.7 2.35 -28.7
9 2.27 -29.0 2.28 -28.9
10 1.97 -30.2 2.07 -29.8
11 2.41 -28.5 2.31 -28.8
12 2.34 -28.8 2.32 -28.8
13 2.54 -28.0 2.45 -28.3
14 1.99 -30.1 2.45 -28.4
15 2.15 -29.5 2.08 -29.8
16 88.86 +2.9 95.41 +3.5
17 2.17 -29.4 2.12 -29.6
18 2.80 -27.2 2.86 -27.0
19 2.47 -28.3 2.50 -28.2
20 2.44 -28.4 2.68 -27.6
21 2.35 -28.7 2.28 -29.0
22 2.33 -28.8 2.46 -28.3
23 2.33 -28.8 2.27 -29.0
24 2.27 -29.0 1.39 -33.3
25 2.34 -28.7 2.36 -28.7
26 2.39 -28.6 2.41 -28.5
27 2.29 -28.9 2.44 -28.4
28 1.91 -30.5 2.15 -29.5
29 2.26 -29.0 2.48 -28.2
30 2.32 -28.8 2.03 -30.0
31 2.37 -28.6 2.29 -28.9

The 2nd and 4th columns are the fwhm quantization outputs for the two polarizations. For small-bandwidth observations (eg AO 430 MHz), only 2-3 channels on either side of channel 16 are expected to have much signal. For wider-bandwidth observations (eg GBT L-band), all channels should have good signal levels. We would like to aim to have fwhms of about 60 counts in each channel (the 3rd and 5th columns tell you the suggested change in attenuator dBs to get to that value). This is easily achieved for GBT observations thanks to the set_gain possibility. For Arecibo L-band observations done in parallel with the wapp(s), the signal levels will generally always be low, about 25 or 30. Unfortunate, but true.

No signal at Arecibo? (That is, the rms output looks like the above example?) Try getting the operator to reset the ABPP, which does the signal selection. Ask the operator to do "ctrl-c, off, on, slave" and try rms again -- this is a standard procedure for the AO operators, so there should be no confusion.


There are two essential files for an ASP/GASP observation. From now on, we will use gasp0:/home/gasp and aspmaster:/home/asp interchangeably.

The first file is the config file, which needs to exist in /home/gasp/config/config.xml . (To be safe, also copy it to /home/gasp/arts/config.xml .) In practice, we keep loads of config files in the /home/gasp/config/ area, under the appropriate project codes. Select the config file you want to use.

For a cal scan, edit the config file, changing the "cal_scan" line flag from 0 to 1. Then copy the config file to /home/gasp/config/config.xml and /home/gasp/arts/config.xml .

For a data scan, edit the config file, making sure that the "cal_scan" line flag reads 0. Also make sure that you have enough dumps (n_dump) such that n_dump times t_dump is at least as long as your intended observation (in seconds). Then copy the config file to /home/gasp/config/config.xml and /home/gasp/arts/config.xml .

For a data scan, you also need the second essential file: a valid polyco file (for the whole observation) in /home/gasp/runtime/polyco.dat . Here are Rob's instructions for how to generate the needed multiple-channel polyco file:

Usage: makepoly psr centfreq bw MJD telescope tobsh
psr --- pulsar name
centfreq --- centre frequency of observation
bw --- total bandwidth
MJD --- current MJD (with fractional part) This is an optional argument -- if not given, it will assume NOW.
telescope --- telescope used (1=GBT b=85-3 3=Arecibo)
tobsh --- length of observation in *HOURS*
where centfreq means the centre of the entire bandwidth used.

It's important to get the centre frequency right. One way to figure it out is that the cima/cleo sky frequency must be 34 MHz (yes, 34 MHz, not 32 MHz) offset from the "rf" in the config file, in the direction opposite to that given by band_dir. The polyco centre frequency is then 32 MHz from "rf" in the direction given by band_dir. So for the case of 1802-2124, where the config file is /home/gasp/config/GBT06B-044/config.xml.1802.cgsr.24chans, (cleo frequency 1400, rf = 1434, band_dir = -1), we would type:
makepoly 1802-2124 1402 128 1 8
and this would generate GBT polycos for 128 MHz (32 x 4 MHz) centred on sky frequency 1400 MHz, valid for 8 hours from the time we hit "enter".

Important step needed for GASP (not ASP): type cgsr_send_all to send the config and polyco files to the cgsr nodes that we use for wider-bandwidth observations. Whether or not the cgsrs are used for a particular observation can be determined from the config file.

Taking Data

With the config and polyco files in place, and assuming the levels are good and (for a cal scan) the cal is pulsing, it is time to take data. Assuming you have 3 ASP/GASP windows available, one useful pattern is to do the following:


Here are a few gotchas and suggestions for how to deal with them.

Ingrid Stairs
Last modified: Tue Aug 1 14:56:33 PDT 2006