Quick BCPM instructions

Adapated and updated from the GBT BCPM page by Ingrid Stairs, Frank Ghigo and Glen Langston.

Logging In
Miscellaneous including Sample Time Table

Logging In

IF/LO Setup

Choose the right IF input! In the blue command-line window, type "setif 1" for 600/800/Lband, "setif 2" for 340/450/S-band and "setif 3" for 85-3.

The BCPM is connected to Converter Modules 4 and 8 (IF 1), Converter Modules 12 and 16 (IF 2) and 85-3 610 MHz (IF 3). These days (2006), we are pretty much always on "setif 1".

Astrid or config_tool will set up the entire GBT IF chain for the BCPM, using the following equations for setting up the Converter rack LO2 frequency. The BCPM input IF center frequency (FBCPM_Center) is 400 MHz, so the Converter Module LO2 frequency (FLO2) is set by the following equation:

FLO2 = 10500 + FOptical_Receiever_Center - FBCPM_Center MHz

Different Receivers have different Optical Receiver output center frequencies (FOptical_Receiver_Center).
For the S band system, the LO1 Sky frequency corresponds to 6000 MHz IF frequency:

FLO2_S = 10500 + 6000 - 400 = 16100 MHz

For L band, the LO1 Sky frequency corresponds to 3000 MHz IF frequency:
FLO2_L = 10500 + 3000 - 400 = 13100 MHz

For Prime Focus 1, the LO1 Sky frequency corresponds to 1080 MHz IF frequency:
FLO2_PF1 = 10500 + 1080 - 400 = 11180 MHz


A typical sequence is: Monitor scan, cal scan, data scan. Here are procedures for running each of these by hand.

Monitor Scan:

Cal Scans and Data Scans:

After observing:

Quit the BCPM gui.


Table of Sample Times in Microseconds

Channel BW (MHz) x1 x2 x4 x8
1.74 21 42 84 168
1.4 25 50 100 200
1.0 36 72 144
0.7 50 100 200
0.5 72 144
0.35 72 144
0.25 72 144

NB not all modes work!! Those in boldface have been known to work (at least with summed polarizations) at some point in the past. Those in red italics are known not to work.


Ingrid Stairs
Last modified: Mon Jul 31 16:32:30 PDT 2006