A Brief History, and my Research Interests and Publications

2012-: Professor at UBC.
2007-2012: Associate professor at UBC.
2002-2007: Assistant professor (NSERC UFA) at UBC.
2000-2002: Jansky postdoc at NRAO Green Bank.
1998-2000: NSERC Postdoc at Jodrell Bank Observatory, working with Andrew Lyne.
1998: Ph.D. in Physics, Princeton University, supervisor: Joe Taylor.
1995: M.A. in Physics, Princeton University.
1993: B.Sc. in Honours Physics, McGill University.

My work involves the observation of radio pulsars and their companions, with a general theme of studying binary pulsar evolution, and with sidelines in such areas as pulsar instrumentation and polarimetry, and some higher-frequency observations.

Refereed publications
Ph.D Thesis: Observations of Binary and Millisecond Pulsars with a Baseband Recording System
I. H. Stairs, Ph. D. Thesis, Princeton University, 1998.
Non-refereed publications
Press releases and some coverage

Current and ongoing projects and a few things in the pipeline:

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