Circular No. 7512
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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S/2000 S 1 AND S/2000 S 2
     B. Gladman, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, on behalf of a team that
includes J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B. G. Marsden, 
P. Nicholson and J. A. Burns, reports the discovery of what appear to be two 
new satellites of Saturn.  Selected CCD precise positions follow:

     2000 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.         R    Observer   
     Aug.  7.40252    3 49 49.35   +17 46 16.0   22.0   Gladman
     Sept.23.42883    3 54 53.75   +17 53 13.0   21.7   Kavelaars
          24.43323    3 54 49.78   +17 52 51.3   21.7     "
          27.45545    3 54 35.14   +17 51 38.6          Hergenrother
          29.35903    3 54 23.95   +17 50 48.8          Doressoundiram

     Aug.  7.40252    3 50 12.75   +17 53 24.7   21.5   Gladman
     Sept.23.42883    3 54 00.75   +18 07 27.1   21.4   Kavelaars
          24.43323    3 53 55.38   +18 07 15.5   21.3     "

B. Gladman (European Southern Observatory).  2.2-m reflector.  Measurer
   J.-M. Petit.
J. Kavelaars and B. Gladman (Mauna Kea).  3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii
   Telescope.  Measurer Gladman.
C. W. Hergenrother and S. M. Larson (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory,
   Catalina Station).  1.54-m reflector.  Measurer Gladman.
A. Doressoundiram and J. Romon (European Southern Observatory).
   3.5-m New Technology Telescope.  Measurer Gladman. 

2000 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta     r_S   Elong.  dR.A.   dDecl.       
Oct. 23     3 50.15    +17 35.3    8.142    0.121  150.6   1206-    764-        
Nov.  2     3 47.48    +17 26.6    8.079    0.113  161.2   1038-    712-        
     12     3 44.51    +17 17.4    8.046    0.105  171.7    858-    651-        
     22     3 41.41    +17 08.2    8.044    0.097  176.2    666-    580-        
Dec.  2     3 38.36    +16 59.6    8.074    0.089  166.0    462-    499-        
     12     3 35.57    +16 52.3    8.135    0.080  155.3    248-    408-        
     22     3 33.18    +16 46.8    8.227    0.070  144.6     26-    306-        
Oct. 23     3 48.65    +17 54.2    8.283    0.107  150.9   2486-    373+        
Nov.  2     3 45.81    +17 46.9    8.211    0.105  161.5   2469-    507+        
     12     3 42.68    +17 38.9    8.168    0.103  172.2   2427-    635+        
     22     3 39.43    +17 30.5    8.156    0.100  176.2   2362-    756+        
Dec.  2     3 36.26    +17 22.4    8.175    0.098  165.7   2272-    868+        
     12     3 33.34    +17 15.3    8.224    0.095  154.9   2159-    969+        
     22     3 30.85    +17 09.6    8.301    0.092  144.1   2024-   1057+        

                      (C) Copyright 2000 CBAT                    
2000 October 26                (8001)              Brian G. Marsden